Published On: Wed, Mar 13th, 2024

British tourists warned to keep their curtains closed in a hotel | Travel News | Travel

Travel is never risk-free and while incidents are rare, tourists should always take precautions to avoid being the victim of a crime.

Bodyguard and investigator at Bond Rees, Aaron Bond has shared his top tips to stay safe while staying in a hotel.

Tourists could be at risk of having their belongings stolen in a hotel, especially if the accommodation doesn’t have good security.

Safety precautions start from the moment of booking and Aaron issued a warning of which hotel floors to avoid.

From keeping the curtains closed to checking for hidden cameras, these are a bodyguard’s top tips to stay safe on holiday.

Keep your curtains closed

Aaron warned: “If your hotel room is overlooked by other rooms or hotels, keep your curtains closed at all times.

“Keeping them open allows people to know your movements and could open you up to getting robbed.”

Tourists should also avoid talking about their plans in public as a thief could be listening to find out when they’re away from the hotel.

Choose a room carefully

Aaron said: “Avoid rooms on the first and second floors of a hotel, these are the floors most prone to crime.

“If possible, request a room on the third to fifth floor. Not only are these rooms safer, but in the event of an emergency they are quick to get out of too.”

Ground floor rooms or rooms on the lower floor may be more accessible to thieves, putting tourists’ belongings at risk.

Check for hidden cameras

Aaron said: “I would always inspect a room for hidden cameras or recording equipment every time someone enters it that isn’t you. Hidden cameras can be as small as a pin head and can be installed anywhere in your room.

“One of the quickest ways of scanning for a hidden camera in your room is by using your mobile phone camera as they can pick up the reflection of a camera lens.”

Hidden cameras have become a hot issue on social media and Airbnb recently announced it was banning interior security cameras in its properties.

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