Published On: Mon, Mar 18th, 2024

European city break is beautiful and gets far fewer tourists than Paris | Travel News | Travel

A popular travel blog has shared the best things to do in an unlikely city break that offers visitors an interesting history, beautiful architecture and walkable streets.

The capital of Belgium, Brussels, only gets around 3.3 million visitors each year which is around 10 percent of the amount that travel to Paris.

Laura Longwell from the blog Travel Addicts noted that Brussels is not as popular as other cities, but has a lot to offer tourists who are looking to get away.

She explained: “Brussels is one of the most fun, overlooked cities in Europe. Both historic and modern, ornate and sleek, busy and quiet, the city has different personalities in only a few blocks.

“There’s something new and different at every turn, and it keeps prompting us to come back.”

One of the best things that Laura suggested tourists should visit during their trip to Brussels is the Grand Palace, located in the city’s central square.

First constructed in the 11th century, the Grand Palace was burnt down by the French in 1695 before being reconstructed to its original ornate design in the coming years.

Today, the palace is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is surrounded by other interesting buildings, including the Town Hall and the Bread House, which is now a museum of the city.

Visitors looking to kick back and relax during their trip to the city are advised to look around the Cantillon Brewery.

A part of Brussels since 1900, it is the last remaining brewery of the era, continuing to produce lambic beer which ferments with wild yeast.

Tourists can take a self-guided tour of the facility, which includes a tasting session of the variants produced at the brewery, including a rather unusual ‘sour cherry’ beer.

Finally, Travel Addicts noted that something a little more unusual to do on a trip to Brussels is go on the Comic Book Route.

Whilst street art plays a role in many cities around the world, Belgium’s capital features buildings adorned with famous characters from comic books.

In all, there are 60 different pieces of street art on the Comic Book Route, with many accessible on foot within the city centre.

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