Published On: Sun, Mar 17th, 2024

Flight attendant tip can help tourists charge their phone without plug | Travel News | Travel

A flight attendant has taken to TikTok to share a number of tips that can help tourists make the most of their stay in a hotel room.

Esther Sturrus runs the TikTok page @erlebnissetravel and regularly posts videos in which she offers tips that can help tourists avoid issues whilst away from home and funny videos made whilst on holiday around the world.

In a popular video, Esther suggests a few simple hacks that can help tourists improve their stay in a hotel room.

One of the most useful tips offered by Esther can help tourists charge their smartphone if they forgot to bring a plug adapter.

She advised: “World travel plug broken? Use your USB cable and charge it [a smartphone] in the TV!”

When packing for a holiday, it is easy for tourists to forget that very few other countries share the UK’s plugs, meaning that many electrical devices will not be immediately compatible.

Whilst many hotels allow tourists to borrow an adapter, usually asking for a deposit fee to remind guests to return it at the end of their stay, the flight attendant suggested plugging the USB socket into the room’s TV.

Using a television to charge a phone will often take considerably longer when compared to plugging it into a conventional socket, but it should be enough to give tourists some extra power when they are away.

Another tip offered by Esther can help travellers overcome jet lag by keeping the curtains shut with a clothes hanger from the wardrobe.

She added: “Are your curtains not closing properly? Use a clothes hanger!”

In the video, the travel expert used the clips on the hanger to keep the two sides of the curtains close together, preventing light from coming through.

Finally, tourists who are concerned that putting a pair of dirty shoes back in their suitcase will ruin other items were offered an idea for a makeshift cover readily available in hotel rooms.

Esther continued: “What else is a shower cap useful for? Use it as a cover over your shoes!

“The shower cap is also very handy for your remote control. Those things are dirty!”

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