Published On: Sun, Mar 17th, 2024

‘My husband cheated on me with my cousin – here’s how I got my revenge’ | UK | News

A woman has shared her bombshell story, after her husband cheated on her with her cousin.

As if that wasn’t enough, the woman explained that with the help of her grandparents, she’s been able to exact her revenge.

The wife took to Reddit, posting on the AITAH page, to lay out the details of her tale.

She said that her husband met her “beautiful” cousin at their wedding, but a mere three months after tying the knot she found out they’d been engaging in intimate activity.

Revealing all about her sorry story, she said on the social media platform: “I met and married my husband. He met my cousin Yvonne at my wedding.

“She is beautiful. I know I’m not ugly but she is gorgeous. They started an affair about three months after the wedding. I found out because they are both stupid.

“I was hurt. But more than that I was furious. I wanted to kick him out immediately and divorce him.

“Instead I waited almost six more months. A month before she graduated from university I went to my grandparents and broke down.

“I told them that I just found out about the cheating and that I was shattered. That my own family would do that to me.”

The woman then said that her grandparents had given each of their grandchildren money, including Yvonne, to help them buy a house when they finished university.

She went on: “When I graduated I bought a small house close to public transportation so I could take the train to work.”

Once the devastated bride had learned of her husband’s actions, she stayed with her grandparents for a couple of weeks.

She said: “My husband tried to get to me but I didn’t talk to him. My grandmother helped me get a lawyer for the divorce during this time.

“My cousin has basically been shunned by the family now. My house was a premarital asset and was covered in our prenup. I gave my ex one month to move out.”

The woman said her grandparents were exceptionally angry with their granddaughter, Yvonne, and so took revenge.

The Reddit user claimed: “My grandparents are old school about marriage and family. They are beyond p****d.

“They said that they couldn’t fix what she did but they could make their displeasure clear. They gave me her money.

“She had taken out student loans since she knew she could pay them back. She also chose a degree that was not exactly in the STEM areas so she will not be making a great salary coming out of school.”

The angry wife then revealed what her husband did next.

She shared: “My ex is begging me to let him stay because he loves me. I said that he would not sleep with other women if he loved me. I know he doesn’t. He just did the maths and found out how f****d he is.

“My aunt and uncle are p****d off at me for s******g their baby out of so much money. I want to be clear here. It was never my intention to take her money. I just wanted our grandparents to not give it to her. Me getting it was just frosting on the cake.

“Right now the family is divided but mostly on my side. They do not want to openly disagree with my grandparents.

“Everything is over and done with. The divorce will take a little more time but my money is in my retirement account. My ex is out of my house. And my cousin can go f*** herself.

“I feel guilty about not confronting them immediately and for bringing my grandparents into it.

“My ex asked me how I knew. I told the d*****s his texts were all showing up on our tablet before he deleted them. I had screenshots of everything.

“So I guess I’m asking if I went too far and whether that makes me the only a*****e in this situation.”

The post, which was only shared eight days ago, has already attracted 13,000 comments.

Reddit users were staggered at Yvonne’s behaviour and were pleased the wife got her revenge.

One person said: “The cousin didn’t accidentally fall on husband’s penis. The both of them are acting like s**t. Both have to face the consequences of their actions.”

Another added: “Revenge is best served cold. Good reaction from your side.”

A third commented: “Your cousin did this to herself. Your aunt and uncle can pay for her.

“You didn’t ask your grandparents to do what they did. They have every right to spend/give their money however they choose.

“Your cousin tried to play you, but got played herself. You dodged a bullet by ending this when you did. Your ex is dumb.”

At the same time, someone else wrote: “She knew she was doing wrong and she should have known there might be consequences.

“She isn’t a kid anymore, she is responsible for her own actions.”

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