Published On: Tue, Feb 27th, 2024

Rishi Sunak rejects Labour MP’s work from home suggestion for House of Commons | Politics | News

Downing Street has rejected calls for MPs to return to Covid-era working from home practices because of concerns about politicians’ safety.

Labour’s Harriet Harman, the longest-serving female MP, suggested Commons votes should return to being online for those feeling “vulnerable” or “under pressure”.

But Number 10 said Rishi Sunak was opposed to any change as he “believes Parliament should remain the place where MPs express their views and have debate”.

The Commons descended into chaos last week over a vote on a Gaza ceasefire amid a string of protests outside Parliament.

Ms Harman said: “One of the things I think could come out of a Speaker’s Conference is an agreement that actually we could go back to hybrid again, which is sometimes MPs could speak in the Chamber, sometimes they could speak from their constituency.

“They could sometimes vote through the division lobbies, or they could sometimes vote online.

“I think we’ve got a process now that we experimented with during Covid, which we could actually bring that back in.

“And that’s something I would propose to a Speaker’s Conference, so if somebody feels particularly under pressure, they can still participate in the Commons, but not in a way that makes them feel vulnerable.”

Ms Harman was asked whether she believes MPs are not voting in the way they want due to threats and intimidation while speaking on the radio.

She said: “It certainly has happened in the past. I remember during the Brexit debate talking to MPs who were saying, ‘Yeah, I agree with this position, but I’m going to stay at home this week. I’m not going to go down to Parliament, because there’s too many threats’. And these are not unrealistic threats.”

Ms Harman pointed to the murders of MPs Jo Cox and Sir David Amess, as well as the suspected arson attack at the constituency office of Mike Freer.

She said: “This is not snowflakery, these are real issues of concern”.

Asked whether Mr Sunak thought she was wrong to want a return to remote voting by MPs, a No10 spokeswoman said: “Yes, he believes that Parliament should remain the place where MPs express their views and have debate.

“That’s fundamental to our democracy and he doesn’t want to see that change.’

She added: “He wouldn’t want to see anything that restricts debate.

“MPs should be on the floor of the House, having robust debate and expressing their views that’s fundamental to our democracy.

“The PM would never want to see anything that changes that. He has been very clear that we won’t allow anything to change that.’

Cabinet Office minister Alex Burghart dismissed Ms Harman’s suggestion by saying his would “give in to those who threaten us”.

He added: “It would be entirely wrong to vacate our premises because of intimidation.

“Improve security for MPs, prevent demonstrators from threatening them etc. but we must not surrender the Houses of Parliament to them.’

Fellow Tory MP Sir Simon Clarke, the former levelling up secretary, said: “The answer is not – and cannot be – for MPs to hide away from our own Parliament.

“It is for us to address the threats that prompt the fear that Harriet refers to. Robust policing, reform of our anti-extremism policies, an end to the pervasive culture of denial about the problem.”

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