Published On: Thu, Feb 29th, 2024

Tenerife ’emergency’ warning to British tourists planning summer holidays | Travel News | Travel

Tenerife is to declare a water emergency with reservoirs running low due to an ongoing drought affecting a huge swathe of Africa and the Mediterranean.

Rosa Dávila, president of the island’s government, has said this winter has been one of the driest in recent history.

If Tenerife goes ahead with its ban, the Spanish island will join Catalonia, which declared a state of emergency earlier this month as the region grapples with its worst drought on record.

Reservoirs in Catalonia have fallen as low as 16 percent of their capacity, with local media cited by Euronews reporting reservoir levels on Tenerife at 34.6 percent capacity as of February 1 compared to 52 percent on the same date in 2023.

Andalusia‘s president has also warned water restrictions will be introduced this summer unless the region sees at least 30 consecutive days of rain.

Tenerife’s vice president, Lope Afonso, warned the drought will have serious consequences of the island’s farmers and growers.

The island’s Ministry of Tourism plans to launch a public information campaign targeted at tourists as well as residents in a bid to press home the importance of using water responsibly.

Extreme heat and drought sparked a forest fire on the island in August last year, during which 15,000 hectares burned across the Mount Teide area.

There were no fatalities, but a large area of Tenerife’s wilderness was damaged as well as some of the Tenerife’s vineyards.

Underground sources of water make up 80 percent of Tenerife’s supplies, according to Euronews, but the island’s authorities are looking at the role desalination plants and water treatment can play in increasing household and agricultural supply.

Tenerife lies 80 miles off the coast of Africa, where temperatures have been pushing the mid 40Cs.

Long-lasting, above-average temperatures, warm spells and poor precipitation have led to severe drought conditions across the Mediterranean, affecting Italy, Spain, Malta, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, according to the EU’s Science Hub.

Reservoirs in Sicily are below the alert level and water rationing may be necessary to guarantee minimal services. In Sardinia, water reservoirs were estimated to hold less than 50 percent of their capacity in December.

Morocco has seen six years of drought in a row, resulting in critically low water levels in reservoirs. Water for cleaning roads, watering parks and some farming has been banned.

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