Published On: Wed, Feb 28th, 2024

The world’s coldest capital city where it’s -20 degrees in January ‌ | Travel News | Travel

The UK can get pretty chilly during the winter. But it’s nothing compared to the world’s coldest capital city.

Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia, is the world’s coldest capital with an average yearly temperature of just 0.2 degrees. In January, the temperature regularly drops to -20 degrees with weather as low as -40 degrees recorded at night.

Mongolia is one of the world’s least visited tourist destinations but it was named the best country to travel to in Lonely Planet’s latest Best In Travel awards.

The city is home to around half of Mongolia’s population and is about 4,430 feet above sea level.

So how do its residents handle the cold temperatures?

Mongolia is one of the world’s leading producers of cashmere, which means it’s affordable for residents to wear. Yak wool is also a popular clothing choice for the cold weather.

Residents tend to eat a lot of meat and fat in the winter to stay warm as well as stews and mutton broth.

Due to the freezing winter temperatures, family and friends tend to socialise inside and wear face masks while outside.

While tourists will find Ulaanbaatar is a cheap winter destination, summer is definitely the optimal time to visit.

Temperatures can reach above 20 degrees in July and August, making it a much more comfortable time to explore.

The capital’s top-rated attraction on Tripadvisor is Gorkhi-Terelj National Park while the city’s National History museum is also highly rated.

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