Published On: Wed, Feb 28th, 2024

These are the most ‘satisfying’ sounds of a holiday | Travel News | Travel

Watch this video and listen to some of the most ‘satisfying’ sounds of a holiday – including crashing waves and the unzipping of luggage.

A study of 2,000 adults that love to travel found the sounds of a cork popping, the pouring of a drink into an empty glass of ice and suitcase wheels rolling along the lobby floor also ranked high in the top 20 list.

Without a second thought others immediately think of a trip away when they hear a buzzy atmosphere, the splash of a swimming pool or the sizzle of breakfast cooking.

While the sound of cocktails being made and the ding of a lift also made the cut, with 51 percent associating specific noises with a holiday.

Tony Roberts, chief commercial officer for Warner Hotels, which commissioned the research to launch its holiday sounds ASMR video (meaning the sensation people get when listening to certain audio stimuli), said: “Whether it’s the sound of a suitcase unzipping, the sound of birds singing, or the bubble of a hot tub, you just can’t beat the sounds of a holiday.

“Making the video was a lot of fun and by capturing some holiday joy, we hope people can begin to get excited about their upcoming travels – or perhaps give them the motivation they need to get their much-needed getaway booked.”

The average traveller will plan a holiday five months in advance with the stresses of everyday life (51 percent), feeling ‘stuck in a rut’ (38 percent), and needing a new adventure (26 percent) among the reasons to go away.

Cost, location and scenic walks were cited as some the most important factors when booking a trip away.

And 38 percent of respondents have already planned their holidays for this year, with the average holidaymaker anticipating three trips in total.

But 39 percent are more likely to take shorter breaks little and often to help switch off, rather than having longer holidays less frequently.

It also emerged that while a third feel relaxed as soon as they arrive at their destination, 25 percent experience this only after they have checked into their room.

The research, carried out via OnePoll, found the best bits of a holiday were found to be completely switching off from everyday life, eating and drinking what you want, and not having to clean.

Seeing local landmarks and exploring the area is what 56 percent most look forward to on their holiday, while 39 percent get excited by trying new foods.

But while 26 percent of those polled enjoy spending quality time with loved ones, 22 percent go specifically to unwind.

Almost a sixth (15 percent) always get that ‘holiday glow’ with 28 percent claiming the joy of being somewhere other than home is one of the things they miss the most when returning to reality.

Tony Roberts added: “Holiday season is on the horizon, so we hope the sounds of the video immerses people and helps them get excited for that special holiday feeling they can hopefully enjoy for real soon.”

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