Published On: Fri, Mar 15th, 2024

Tourists urged to never store hand-luggage in certain part of plane | Travel News | Travel

An online travel personality has given viewers a variety of tips that can help them get the best experience whilst travelling on a flight.

Megan runs the YouTube channel Portable Professional and regularly posts videos offering advice that can help tourists when booking a holiday, travelling or during their stay away from home.

In a popular video, Megan suggested that tourists boarding a plane should make sure that they never place their hand-luggage in an overhead bin situated behind their seat.

She advised: “Once you find your seat, make sure that you store your carry-on luggage in the bin directly above you or in front of you.

“Trust me, when it is time to get off the plane, you do not want your luggage to be stuck in an overhead bin behind you because you will need to wait for all of those people who are sitting further back to get off the plane before you are able to go back there, get your luggage and disembark yourself.”

In addition, the flying expert suggested that it can often pay to put a smaller bag inside the hand luggage that can easily be removed just before boarding the flight.

Since tourists are not always able to access their luggage, particularly when taking off and landing, keeping essentials and items that could help to pass the time close by can make the flight much more convenient.

Megan stated that she typically keeps items such as snacks, a water bottle and an eyemask in the bag, which can be stowed away under the seat.

Later in the video, Megan suggested that passengers should also make sure that they pack a set of wired earphones, stating that, whilst less convenient than the more modern Bluetooth alternative, they could be necessery when using the infotainment screen.

She added: “You are going to want to bring wired headphones with you. I know, who still has wired headphones these days when we are all carrying around AirPods?

“The answer should be you, especially if you plan to fly in the near future as they are not always given out for free on flights these days. So, if you want to use the entertainment device on the seat back and watch all the new movies, you will need to bring your own set of headphones or be prepared to pay at least $5 (£4) for a pair of rather terrible headphones.”

Finally, for tourists looking to bring their own devices on board, Megan suggested that she avoids boredom by making sure she has plenty of films and TV shows downloaded when she is at home.

She continued: “If you are signed up to the hundred different streaming services like Disney Plus or Netflix, you can download movies or episodes of your favourite shows to your phone, tablet or laptop to watch offline.

“If you do want to download any content, make sure you do it before you leave your home. The free wi-fi you can connect to at the airport is probably not going to allow you to download content, especially not at the speed you would need it to while you’re waiting to board your flight.”

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