Published On: Tue, Mar 12th, 2024

World’s most overrated tourist attraction is in the UK | Travel News | Travel

From the Eiffel Tower to the Acropolis, there are sights all over the world that people add to their bucket lists and dream of ticking off.

But unfortunately the attractions don’t always live up to their billing. Rough Guides asked their readers to share the world’s most overrated tourist attractions.

Unfortunately for the UK, it’s apparently home to the world’s most overrated attraction. Stonehenge was given the number one spot.

The prehistoric monument was built almost 5,000 years ago but that wasn’t enough to impress some visitors.

Where else left people disappointed?

One of the Stonehenge visitors said it had “no atmosphere” while another said it was “tiny, overpriced and too far from the footpath”.

However, not everyone was upset by their visit. ‘DMVByTheSea’ wrote on Tripadvisor: “Once in a lifetime opportunity. It rained. It was windy. But it added to our experience.”

France’s Eiffel Tower also left visitors less than impressed with one tourist saying there was “nothing great about it”.

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