Published On: Sat, Mar 16th, 2024

Justin Trudeau thinks about quitting ‘crazy job’ daily as pressure piles on Canadian PM | World | News

Justin Trudeau has admitted to thinking about quitting his job as Canadian prime minister but will stay to see out the next general election.

He has been in office since 2015 and faces an election contest in 2025 amid polls revealing he has become increasingly unpopular with Canadians.

In an interview with Radio-Canada, Trudeau opened up about the “personal sacrificies” he has to make in order to carry out his “crazy job”.

He said: “I could not be the man I am and abandon the fight at this point. I think about quitting every day. It’s a crazy job I’m doing, making the personal sacrifices. Of course, it’s super tough. It’s super boring at times.”

Among these personal sacrifices was his divorce from his wife Sophie last year, with whom he has three children.

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Recent opinion polls show a trend of increasing dissatisfaction amongst Canadians. They feel frustrated with how their government has handled issues like affordable housing and the cost of living.

The main opposition to the ruling Liberals party is the Conservatives, who are currently way out in the lead in terms of popularity,

This has created great speculation that Trudeau may resign imminently, with even some of his allies suggesting he should leave.

Trudeau’s victory in 2015 was a significant one, and marked the end of the Conservatives‘ nearly decade long rule.

This support has dwindled over the years, forcing his government to become a “supply and confidence” agreement with the new Democrats party – who support the Liberals in votes in parliament.

Trudeau clamed he got into politics “not to be popular, not for personal reasons – because I want to serve and I know I have something to offer”. He added: “The choice that Canadians will make, in a year in the elections, will be so fundamental.”

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