Published On: Thu, Mar 14th, 2024

Moment Russian forces detonate cluster bombs on Ukrainian helicopter landing strip | World | News

Terrifying video shows the moment Russia took out two of Ukraine‘s helicopters with a devastating attack that featured cluster bombs, missiles and unmanned drones. Two Ukrainian pilots are understood to have died in the incident.

The video, released by the Russian Ministry of Defense, shows the deadly strike near the frontline in the Donetsk Region of Eastern Ukraine.

It’s understood the helicopters had landed in a field to refuel.

They were reportedly attacked with cluster munitions – and then missiles and lancet drones. It comes as Ukrane’s 12th separate army aviation brigade published an obituary for two deceased pilots.

A tribute to the pilots, published in Ukraine Today read: “The sky has lost two of its sons, who always flew high and free. May their souls find peace among the stars, and we will remember them as heroes who faithfully served their Ukraine.”

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Analysts say the attack demonstrates Russia has made huge improvements in its intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities.

Sharing a video of the attack on X, Open Source Intelligence Monitor commented: “This Footage as well as a lot of the others recently released by the Russian MoD really shows a massive increase in Russian ISR capabilities since the War began.”

It comes after horrifying video footage showed Russia unleashing “hell” in Ukraine with its new gliding ‘Frankenstein’ bomb that has been nicknamed “the building destroyer”. The deadly weapon grafts modern technology to the blunt force of a massive Soviet-era bomb.

However, Vladimir Putin’s regime was this morning rocked by explosions as saboteurs were claimed to be fighting inside Russia ahead of his sham elections.

Fighting has reportedly broken out between Russian state forces and anti-Putin rebels in the Belgorod Oblast.

Rebel groups have reportedly asked that residents be evacuated from the Belgorod and Kursk regions, However, Russian media claims the attacks have been “thwarted”.

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