Published On: Sat, Apr 13th, 2024

Plane enthusiast explains terrifying noises during landing | Travel News | Travel

Fear of flying, or aerophobia, is an intense dread experienced by some passengers due to the various sounds a plane makes from takeoff through landing, with a soaring plane enthusiast now seeking to alleviate these fears. The UK reportedly harbours around one in 10 people with aerophobia, according to Anxiety UK, though some research suggests the actual figure could be significantly higher.

Yet, flight remains one of the safest modes of long-distance travel, as suggested by AirAdvisor which states accidents only occurred in five instances across the staggering 32.2 million flights taken in 2022.

Yet despite such reassuring statistics, it’s no secret that fear can still grip many flyers. Riyadh Khalaf, an Irish broadcaster, author and YouTube personality believes understanding the purpose behind every sound that happens during a flight can contribute greatly to comfort.

In his recent TikTok video, the aviation aficionado explains what these noises are and their particular function, aiming thus to empower those afflicted with knowledge.

He insists: “Flying and the associated noises shouldn’t have to be so scary. With knowledge comes power so next time you’re on an airplane, watch this and remember how each noise has an important and fascinating function! Happy flying!”

Riyadh, a self-proclaimed aviation enthusiast, has shared some insights to help passengers stay “cool and chill” during their flights. He first explained that the “rumbling” sound heard during take-off, which might seem “quite scary”, is merely the noise of the “spoilers, or the air brakes, on the top of the wings, to slow us down.”

He added: “When the nose goes down to help us descend, we pick up speed, and we don’t want to pick up speed when we’re coming in to land”.

He also clarified that an alert noise over the plane’s sound system doesn’t indicate a problem. Instead, it’s a 10-minute warning before landing, signalling the cabin crew to announce that passengers should fasten their seatbelts.

During his flight, Riyadh experienced some “mild turbulence” while flying over the Wicklow Mountains, which he reassured was normal and safe. He said: “Totally safe. This plane is designed to deal with that. And a lot worse.”

He further explained that the flaps of the wings come down a few times during landing to “make the wing bigger” and provide more “lift”, slowing the landing process. He also addressed the “confusing” sound of the engines powering up, explaining that the plane “steps” its way down, often reaching a “little plateau” where it requires “a little more power because you’ve stopped the descent”.

As the aircraft approaches a mere 20 ft from the tarmac, passengers will notice a distinct sound indicating the pilots are “pulling the power back to idle”.

This is swiftly followed by the sensation of the “touch down of the main gear, touch down of the nose gear,” and then a “rumble which is a reverse thrust of the engines bringing the wheels into the runway so the brakes can work better”. After these sequences, the plane proceeds to taxi towards the terminal.

The informative breakdown was met with gratitude from hundreds, as one individual expressed: “Tips that helped me overcome my fear of flying”.

Another chimed in with appreciation, saying: “I watched your videos before a flight and it helped me,” while a third person revealed a newfound understanding: “I never knew why it felt like we increased speed when landing. From a very scared flyer – massive thank you!”

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