Published On: Tue, Apr 16th, 2024

UK businesses call on government for support in achieving their environmental commitments | City & Business | Finance

Businesses are struggling to achieve their environmental sustainability commitments – as the cost-of-living and inflation continue to bite. Research, into 1,400 decision makers from businesses with up to 1,000 employees, found one in four identified the global economic downturn as having a negative impact on their environmental efforts.

And 28 percent cited the perceived cost of tools or technology to help them as being too high – up from 17 percent of SMEs, who said the same 12 months ago.

Meanwhile, a quarter of those polled blame a lack of government support – with 79 percent claiming it should provide more assistance to businesses wanting to improve their environmental commitments.

The research was commissioned by climate action platform, Ecologi, which has joined forces with the UK Climate Lobby and UK businesses to create its second annual “Climate Commitments” report, to highlight how the Government can help businesses accelerate their environmental efforts.

They came together outside parliament yesterday [Monday, April 15] to present the report inside a green version of the traditional red budget briefcase – dubbed “the green case”.

Dimitri Theocharis, CEO of the climate action platform, said: “The message coming from UK businesses is loud and clear – the desire for sustainability is there, but the full support required to achieve this is not.

“It’s time for the government to act. To drive this message home, we’ve reimagined the iconic red budget briefcase into a “green case” for our planet to parliament.

“We hope this sends a clear message for the government to work together with businesses, to accelerate climate action for a net zero future.”

The study also found 45 percent have applied for government funding to help make their business environmentally friendly, with 73 percent claiming more government support is key to their business increasing its sustainability targets.

And 76 percent believe government investment in the green economy would be good for business, as they argue this would create jobs and lower running costs.

It also emerged sustainability is a core business strategy for 76 percent of the businesses polled, via OnePoll. As such, 81 percent plan to increase or maintain current levels of investment in sustainability initiatives over the next two years.

When it comes to what drives businesses to become more sustainable, brand reputation came top (29 percent), followed by attracting more customers (25 percent).

And 49 percent are already increasing rates of recycling, while 48 percent are reducing their energy consumption, and 37 percent are using “greener” suppliers and products.

More than a third (35 percent) have also been educating employees on best practices to reduce climate change, and the same number have increased their use of renewable energy.

Sian Conway-Wood, senior lobbyist at the Climate Lobby, added: “UK businesses are striving to become more sustainable – but they can’t achieve this alone.

“To ensure that homegrown UK businesses can compete, both in the UK and globally, the government must invest in a full-scale green revolution – not only for the sake of the planet, but to reduce operating costs, create jobs, and boost the economy.”

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