Published On: Tue, Apr 9th, 2024

Champions League: ISIS threatens ‘terrorist attack on games’ and vows to ‘kill them all’ | Football | Sport

Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium holds 60,000 supporters, and 49,000 can fit into the Parc des Princes in the English and French capitals, respectively.

Arsenal have been approached for comment on potential adjustments to security measures.

ISIS’ latest attack occurred before an event at the Crocus City Hall, a large concert hall in the Russian capital, Moscow, on March 22.

Several men dressed in camouflage entered the building armed with guns in the sickening act of terror, killing 143 people and wounding a further 200 victims.

The roof also partially collapsed after a grenade or incendiary bomb was used, starting a fire. ISIS claimed responsibility through affiliated news agency Amaq on Telegram.

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