Published On: Fri, Apr 12th, 2024

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry house hunting update as their ‘idea of heaven’ revealed | Royal | News

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are predicted to embark on divergent career paths, leaving their Royal past behind, according to a renowned psychic.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who stepped back from their Royal duties in 2020 and relocated to Montecito, California, have since been distanced from the monarchy, losing their HRH titles and financial support from The King.

A psychic has suggested that Harry and Meghan’s future plans “do not appear to be linked with the monarchy at all”, with the couple expected to fully immerse themselves in the entertainment industry as Meghan resumes her acting career and Harry takes on behind-the-scenes roles.

Astrologer Inbaal Honigman told The Mirror that a Tarot reading and the drawing of the 4 of Cups card indicate that family is the Sussexes’ top priority.

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“The happy couple would like the freedom to choose the environment that they feel works best for their nearest and dearest, and they’d like the freedom to change their minds whenever they want to. This watery card shows that a life by the beach is their idea of heaven.”

She went on to add: “The 2 of Swords Tarot card lets us know that once they feel safe and happy, they’ll start looking into writing jobs. The couple would like to work from home as much as possible, and will be courting regular columns, book deals and even consultancy jobs on TV shows. It’s a card of writing, ideas, communication and staying in one place, so they will be travelling less than usual.”

Inbaal then noted: “Ultimately, their dream is to work in creative careers, as per the ‘XIV Art’ card. Meghan will find her way back to acting, and Harry, who is good at organising, will look into executive producer roles and opportunities within the entertainment industry.”

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Concluding her reading, Inbaal noted that within the Tarot, “16 cards are called the Court Cards, and they can represent people in positions of power, even royalty.

“They’re known as the Knights, Queens, Princesses and Princes, and it is quite notable that none of those cards come up in Harry and Meghan’s Tarot reading.”

“It suggests that thoughts of rejoining the family as working royals are far from their minds.”

Inbaal Honigman was speaking on behalf of Slingo.

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